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Parliament Digital Library provides information about various parliamentary documents of Lok Sabha, the House of People. The debates of Lok Sabha, from the First Lok Sabha to the Seventeenth Lok Sabha are placed in this portal. The Reports of several Parliamentary Committees, Presidential Addresses to Parliament, Budget Speeches, and several publications of the Lok Sabha Secretariat are also part of its collections. The treasured and historic legislative debates, tracing the growth and development of modern parliamentary institutions in India, from 1854 to 1952, thereby covering the period of 99 years, have also been digitized. The portal provides the users a single window information retrieval technology with filtered and federated search from multiple searchable resources. Parliament Digital Library (PDL) collections provide information relating to parliamentary documents of Lok Sabha. As on date, a total of 10.43 lakh entries [full text and splitted subject wise] with PDF files are available for search and browsing. As on date, digitized pdf files of following documents have been uploaded here:
  1. Historical Debates: The treasured Historical debates of 5032 dates from 1854-1952 are part of this portal.
    1. Indian Legislative Council Debates (1854-1920)
    2. Legislative Assembly Debates (1921-1947)
    3. Council of State Debates (1921 to 1946 )
    4. Constituent Assembly of India (Draft Making 1946-1950)
    5. Constituent Assembly of India (Legislative) (1947-1949)
    6. Provisional Parliament Debates (1950-1952).
  2. Parliamentary Documents: All Presidential Addresses to Parliament (1947 to2023, 171 files including 83 in Hindi version) and all Budget Speeches, General and Railways (1947 to 2023- 201 files) are part of this Portal. Resume of work-239, including 34 in Hindi; Bulletin Part I -256 including 42 in Hindi has also been uploaded.11,764 Reports of various Parliamentary Committees like Financial Committees, Departmentally Related Standing Committees, and other Committees since inception.
  3. Publications: Important publications of LSS, 237 including 69 in Hindi language/version books on eminent Parliamentarians, 235Periodicals and 78 Information Bulletins have also been digitized.
  4. Text of debates: The text of debates from 1st Lok Sabha to 17th Lok Sabha from 1952 onwards, covering 6472 in original and English version and 5890 days in Hindi version debates of 1stto 15thLok Sabha are also part of its collection.
  5. Debate by Title/Members: The portal also provides 10,44,177 entries of categorized Debates and Questions (Part I- 886958 entries, Part II- 125630 entries from 1st to 17th Lok Sabha (1952-2023). Participation of PM in Proceedings of the House (989 speeches in English and Hindi) have been highlighted on the portal.
For enabling Hon’ble Speaker’s vision to get complete all the tagged metadata comprising of Member name, title, type of question, type of Debate etc. of Lok Sabha Debates including Questions from 1952 onwards for enabling search on Parliament Digital Library portal, presently Lok Sabha Questions are being fed on mission mode basis. The feeding of Starred Questions from 1st to 17th Lok Sabha have been completed recently. The debate portion has already been uploaded from 1st to 17th LS on PDL. Around 90% of Unstarred Questions from 1st to 17th Lok Sabha have also been uploaded on PDL. A project of digitization of other documents of Library and other documents amounting to approx 1.5 crore pages will further enable more documents of Library for access at one click. Digitization will eventually save the time of reader and every reader will find maximum availability of parliamentary and other documents at one click for gaining knowledge anywhere anytime.